Kayleen Evans - Southwest: Nephi to St. George
Advising Areas
Majors and Exploration:
- Exploratory/Undeclared
- Pre-Elementary Education
- Elementary Education BS
- Education Paraprofessional CC
Campus Resource Specialist for:
(Including campus resources, USU services, and other questions/referrals)
For Southwest students with a Logan academic advisor
If you are interested in academic advising and your major/program is not listed here, you can locate your advisor at https://www.usu.edu/advisors/ by searching in the College of your major or by typing your degree program (e.g. Psychology) into the search bar.
Contact Information
Office Location: USU-Nephi, 346 E 600 N
Phone: (435) 623-0537
Email Address: kayleen.evans@usu.edu
Cancellation Policy
Students should cancel their appointments in a timely manner.
Appointments are available in-person (in Nephi) and virtually (Zoom/phone). As you select an appointment date below, the location offering for the appointment will be listed next to the appointment time.
- Select the program/service you'd like to make an appointment under from the drop down menu.
- Click Show Filter Options to filter appointments by day/time.
- Need help scheduling an appointment? Chat with support!